Teaching and Coaching
Mr. Ulbricht is a guest teacher at the School of American Ballet, Ballet Academy East, Alvin Ailey, as well as, teaching at a number of well-known national dance schools, private schools, and universities throughout the United States including Yale, Indiana University and SUNY Purchase. Mr. Ulbricht is currently the Artistic Advisor of Manhattan Youth Ballet. Mr. Ulbricht is also the Artistic Director of New York State Summer School for the Arts in Saratoga Springs, NY.
“Energy is about being alive. Without energy, without musicality, there is no dance. When students come to class with that attitude, they bring extra adrenaline and they pay extra attention. A dancer should look energetic—that is, ready to go—just standing at the barre. You have to keep pushing your best students because they tend to be content with how good they are. I want every student to develop a love of dancing. Everyone deserves that experience of having worked hard at something they love. Maybe in the future they will support dancing because they remember what it felt like to dance and how much they loved it. Success to me is if somebody says, ‘I received the best training possible.’ I want to instill that passion so that they can enjoy dance at any time in their life.”
See and take class with Daniel at Dancio.com